Our parish is a community of the People of God joined together by our common faith in Jesus Christ as expressed through our baptismal commitment. While our parish is rooted in a particular locality, we also recognize that we belong to the Archdiocese of Boston and through the Archdiocese to the Universal Church. That is why our parish of St. Richard is called to be the center and source of our faith and it's development, an extended family that is to be marked by a sense of belonging, a desire for participation, a need for commitment and a spirit of WELCOME. We celebrate all of this when we gather at the Eucharistic table of the Lord each Sunday.
As we journey together let us all pray that we will continue to deepen our dedication to and support of the members of the People of God.
New Parishioners
We are delighted to have you join us, and we hope you will become an active part of our Parish Family. At St. Richard’s Parish we have over 25 different ministries trying to do the work God sets before us. We invite you to check out the Ministries page and see if there might be a good use of your time, talent, and abilities to give back to our Parish Family.
Community Celebration of Baptism takes place on the first and third Sundays of the month. Baptism is held at St. Richard's at 1:00 pm on the first Sunday of the month. Baptism is held at St. Mary's at 1:00pm on the third Sunday of the month. Please note: Baptism is not held during Lent. To register your child for Baptism please fill out and submit our online Baptism Registration form.
Religious Education (C.C.D.)
We are blessed to have one of the most active and vibrant Religious Education programs in the Archdiocese. Though an age appropriate curriculum, we invite our young parishioners to acquaint themselves with the teachings of the Church and learn how they can live a life centered on the teachings of our faith.
Our youth Religious Education Program, directed by Marissa Morrison, enables and supports wonderfully dedicated teachers and adult leaders to present, encourage, challenge, and comfort our youth as they learn to live a life centered on worship, service, community, and faith. Our program enables parents to share more actively in the religious education on their children, modeling faith life and sharing with youth in ministries of service, in worship, and in the community we share at St. Richard’s.
In our High School Religious Education and Confirmation program, we prepare our students to learn the lessons of the Church as they transition to becoming your Catholic adults through the sacrament of Confirmation. Our Confirmation Coordinator, Coleen Mulholland, and her team of teachers give of themselves as they offer clear and meaningful lessons to live a value-centered life as young Catholic adults.
Please contact the church at least 9 months in advance 978-774-7575
Liturgy Music Director
Music Director for St. Richard's: Maura Lynch
Traditional Music Director at St. Mary's: David Porper
Contemporary Music Director at St. Mary's: Anne Farmer
We are very fortunate to offer a diverse and vibrant music program through the talent of our Music Directors, and all of our talented music enthusiasts. Our music team plans appropriate music, develops artistic skills, and encourages parishioners to share in the spirit of our music program. Whether it be with instrumental or choral performances, our Music Ministry reflects a diversity of spirit and interest that reflects our parish.
R.C.I.A.: (Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Victoria Woodley and Ken Meltz – Co-Directors 978-774-7575
Having a vibrant RCIA program is a pride to our entire parish. As a growing and sought after program, we are pleased to offer the opportunity for adults and children to grow in their understanding of our faith and to enter more fully into the life of the Church. Some folks, for one reason or another, may not have experienced all of the Sacraments of Initiation, and our team of dedicated volunteers offers a program of growth and faith transition. We are very proud of this team of leaders who are present for these inquirers and walk with candidates on their pilgrimage of faith.
Reconciliation (Confession)
St. Mary's holds reconciliation weekly on Saturdays from 3:15pm-3:45pm
St. Richard's holds reconciliation weekly on Saturdays from 3:45pm-4:15pm
You can also make an appointment for Reconciliation by calling the our parish office: 978-774-7575.