This committee is focused on building and enhancing communication within the parish community and beyond by means of social and digital media as well as our parish website and bulletin.
Our goal is to better inform and serve the entire parish by providing multimedia venues that post and share current and upcoming events, insights, teachings and ministry updates with individual articles, pictures, video and more.
This council oversees the finances of the parish, advises the pastor with financial matters, and plans the budget for each fiscal year. The volunteer members of this committee are parishioners appointed by the pastor.
In the spirit of the maxim, “when a guest comes, Christ comes” the Greeter Ministry seeks to create a welcoming atmosphere for all who take part in our weekend liturgies. Ministers are asked to arrive to Mass about a half hour early to keep the bulletin shelves in order and greet the faithful as they arrive. There is also a need for “Special Assistance” greeters who can offer a helping hand to parishioners utilizing the church’s accessible seating area
For questions or to contact the Greeter Ministry click here.
Commitment: Minimum 1.5 hrs.
Place: Church
Time: Weekend Mass
The Parish Pastoral Council is an advisory group assisting the pastor. The goal of the council is to foster full participation of the entire parish in the mission of the Church and parish, and to advise the Pastor on issues of importance to the parish at large. The purpose of the council is to assist the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish. Members are appointed by the pastor, or selected via a nomination process that takes place periodically in the parish.
To assess adequately the needs of the whole parish and its members, and to develop and implement a pastoral plan which will promote the common good of the parish.
To foster unity and a sense of community in the parish and to coordinate all parish activities in a manner that will best serve the interests of the parish.
Stewardship is a way of life that is rooted in the fact that each person has been given unique gifts and talents from God. Our calling is to gratefully receive, cultivate and share these gifts with others. Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live out our lives. Good stewards live with joy and gratitude for the blessings they have received, and generously give their time, talent and treasure back to God with increase.
For questions and to contact the Stewardship Commission click here.
Ushers assist with the offertory collection during each weekend Mass. The ministry is a great way to serve both the liturgy and your fellow parishioner. Volunteers are assigned based on their availability and Mass preference.
For questions and to contact the Ushers Ministry click here.
Commitment: Once a week
Place: Church
Time: Weekend Mass
This hospitality ministry gives parishioners the opportunity to socialize and get to know each other in a friendly, informal setting following the 8:30 & 10:00 AM Sunday Masses. Whether you setup before, serve during, or clean up afterward, this is great way to help build a sense of community at St. Mary's!
For questions and to contact the Hospitality - Weekend Mass Fellowship Ministry click here.
Commitment: Once a week
Place: Chapel
Time: Before and/or after either the 8:30 or 10 am Masses