Saturday: 4:00 PM at St. Mary of the Annunciation
4:30 PM at St. Richard of Chichester
Sunday: 7:30 AM at St Mary of the Annunciation
9:00 AM at St. Richard of Chichester*
10:15 AM at St. Mary of the Annunciation*
11:30 AM at St. Richard of Chichester
Monday - Wednesday 8:00 AM at St. Richard of Chichester
Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM at St. Mary of the Annunciation*
* Masses denoted with an asterisk (*) are available online at each parish's Facebook page:
Sunday Masses at 9:00 and 10:15 AM can also be viewed on Danvers Cable Access Television:
Comcast channel 8 - Verizon channel 37
Monday - Saturday at 9:00 AM Mass is available on St. Mary's Facebook page
Sunday at 9:00 AM Mass is available on St. Richard's Facebook page
Sunday at 10:15 AM Mass is available on St. Mary's Facebook page